Senin, 15 Desember 2008

Yeach....yo semangat ki.On fire!!!
seperti kata Pak Atsukurishi
"burning flame fire ball!!!"
eits..tapi buat cewek jangan ngomong kayak gitu lho ya!
gak enak ae dilihatnya
cukup ngomong:"Puchi fire pooo"
baiklah karena aku sedang bersemangat,bagaimana kalau kita bernyanyi bersama-sama

TOGETHER we will go our way
TOGETHER we will leave someday
TOGETHER your hand in my hand
TOGETHER we will make our plans
TOGETHER we will fly so high
TOGETHER tell all our friends goodbey
TOGETHER we will start life new
TOGETHER this is what we'll do
GO WEST where are peaceful there
GO WEST in the open air
GO WEST where the skies are blue
GO WEST this is we're gonna do
TOGETHER we will love the beach
TOGETHER we will learn and teach
TOGETHER change our pace of life
TOGETHERwe will work and stive
TOGETHER sun in winter time
TOGETHER we will do just fine
TOGETHER where the skies are blue
TOGETHER this is what we're gonna do

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